A Red Thinking value is to pay it forward by “leaving it better than we found it.” Red Thinking partnered with Working Theater by donating our design time, strategy and creative selves to this 501-c3’s objectives; to better brand and market themselves. It energizes us to support non-profits how we can, and we recognize it helps non-profits get the brand awareness they need to achieve their missions.
Working Theater is an off-Broadway theater company whose mission is to create and produce theater for, about and with working people. Working Theater aims to make its programming relevant, accessible and affordable to all individuals regardless of socio-economic status and geographic location.
Website Design
Email Template
Social Media Roadmap
Digital Strategy
Great theater should not be a luxury. Neither should great be branding work.

“I created this color palette and design because I wanted it to feel dramatic. Like everything was being stripped away to really focus on the stories of real life that the artists wanted to tell.”
Juan Plaza, VP of Design, Red Thinking

It was important that the new visual identity for Working Theater reflect its mission and work – it had to feel like real people. We used a combination of photography of actual members and productions, as well as carefully selected stock imagery that used the same raw style.

Other work.
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