The Watermark Hotel
The Watermark Hotel brand is all about taking the traditional hotel experience and turning it on its head in the best way, so the branding had to match and reinforce the message.
Approachable elegance was the name of the game from the start with The Watermark’s branding, carefully setting the just-right tone for guests at every touch point. The branding, just like the space itself, offers an entirely unique appeal. Just like the “secret” watermark in the logo, nothing is expected, and that makes it even better.
Brand Vision
Brand Narrative
Brand Identity
Art Direction
Print Design
Experiential Design
Digital Design
Website Design Consultation
Social Media Strategy

“Red Thinking’s team of experts quickly becomes fully immersed and invested in any project they are working on. They are able to think and work like true business owners and provide feedback that goes beyond what is asked of them. They are the best at what they do.”

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